The Tennis Chain – The Ultimate Accessory for a Glamorous Look!

Jewelry has always been a crucial element in fashion, adding a touch of elegance and charm to any outfit. From bracelets to earrings, necklaces to rings, there’s a wide range of jewelry pieces that can enhance your overall look. Among these, the tennis chain is one of the most popular and fashionable accessories that can take your style game to the next level.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of tennis chains, exploring their history, design, and care. We’ll also provide some tips and tricks on how to wear and style them for an impeccable look.

What is a Tennis Chain?

The tennis chain is a necklace made up of small diamonds or other precious stones that are linked together in a continuous line. This chain is typically made of 14K or 18K gold, although some may also be made of platinum or silver. The name ‘tennis chain’ comes from the incident involving tennis player Chris Evert during the 1987 U.S. Open. During a match, Evert’s diamond bracelet snapped off, and she asked officials to pause the game so she could find it. Ever since then, the term ‘tennis bracelet’ has been used to refer to any diamond bracelet that features a line of diamonds.

Tennis Chain

History of Tennis Chain

The tennis chain was first introduced in the 1980s and quickly became a trendy accessory for men and women alike. The original design featured a row of diamonds set in a prong setting, but over time, variations in the setting and stone size have been developed. Today, chain are available in a variety of styles and designs, ranging from classic to contemporary.

Design of Tennis Chain

The design of a tennis chain is what makes it unique and timeless. Here are some of the essential features of a tennis chain:

  • The chain is made up of small diamonds or precious stones that are set in a prong or bezel setting.
  • The stones are linked together in a continuous line, giving the chain a seamless and elegant look.
  • The size and quality of the stones can vary, depending on the design and price point of the chain.
  • The chain itself is typically made of gold, silver, or platinum, and can come in a variety of widths and lengths.

How to Wear and Pair a Tennis Chain

The tennis chain is a versatile accessory that can be worn in many different ways. Here are some tips on how to wear and pair it for a chic and trendy look:

  • Pair a classic chain with a simple outfit, like a plain white tee and jeans, for a sophisticated yet effortless look.
  • Layer a tennis chain with other necklaces of varying lengths and styles for a more eclectic look.
  • Pair a diamond chain with a little black dress or a formal gown for a glamorous and elegant look.
  • Wear a chain with a v-neck or scoop-neck top to draw attention to your décolletage.

How to Care for Your Tennis Chain

Proper care and maintenance of your tennis chain are crucial to ensure its longevity and sparkle. Here are some tips on how to care for your tennis chain:

  • Avoid wearing your chain while doing strenuous activities, like working out or playing sports, as it can damage the chain or cause it to break.
  • Clean your chain regularly using a soft-bristled brush and mild soap or cleaning solution.
  • Store your chain in a jewelry box or pouch to prevent it from getting tangled or scratched.
  • Take your chain to a professional jeweler for periodic cleaning and maintenance.

Tennis Chain


  1. Can I wear a tennis chain every day?
    A. Yes, you can wear a tennis chain every day, but it’s important to take proper care of it to ensure its longevity.
  2. How do I choose the right size and quality of diamonds for my chain?
    A. The size and quality of diamonds for your chain depend on your personal preferences and budget. It’s best to consult with a professional jeweler to determine the right size and quality of diamonds for your desired look and budget.
  3. How can I tell if my tennis chain is real?
    A. The best way to determine if your tennis chain is real is to take it to a professional jeweler for an appraisal. A jeweler can examine the chain and determine its authenticity and value.

Q: Can I wear a chain with a pendant?
A: It’s possible to wear a chain with a pendant, but it’s important to consider the weight and size of the pendant, as well as the length and style of the chain. A smaller and lighter pendant can work well with a tennis chain, but a larger or heavier pendant may overpower the chain or cause it to break.

Q: How long should achain be?
A: The length of a chain can vary depending on personal preference and style. Typically, tennis chains range from 16 to 24 inches in length. A 16-inch chain will sit higher on the neck, while a 24-inch chain will sit lower. It’s important to consider your body type and the style of the chain when choosing the length.

Q: Can I wear a chain with other jewelry?
A: Yes, you can wear a tennis chain with other jewelry, but it’s important to consider the style and design of the pieces. Layering a tennis chain with other necklaces or bracelets can create a unique and eclectic look, but it’s important to ensure that the pieces complement each other and don’t overpower the outfit.

Q: How do I know if a chain is right for me?
A: The decision to wear a chain ultimately depends on personal style and preference. If you prefer classic and elegant jewelry pieces, a chain may be a great addition to your collection. However, if you prefer bold and statement pieces, a chain may not be the best choice. It’s important to consider your personal style, budget, and the occasion when choosing to wear a chain.


The tennis chain is an exquisite and timeless accessory that can elevate any outfit to the next level. With its seamless and elegant design, it has become a popular choice for both men and women. When choosing a  chain, consider the design, quality, and size of diamonds, as well as your personal style and budget. With proper care and maintenance, your chain can last a lifetime and continue to sparkle and shine. So, go ahead and add a chain to your jewelry collection and step up your style game!

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