Wholesale Marcasite Brooch

Isn’t it Marcasite Brooches? They’re an antiquated adornment that’s only worn by eccentrics, the elderly, and the Queen. Wrong! We are strong advocates of what we think to be one of the most fascinating and versatile pieces of jewelry available, as seen by our extensive brooch collection. We’re not alone in this perspective, as brooches have lately seen a resurgence, notably in 2021. As a result, we wanted to learn more about this undervalued item’s past. Marcasite Brooch

Wholesale Marcasite Brooch

Marcasite Brooch

Brooch Fundamentals:

In its most basic form, a fashion brooch is a decorative object affixed to clothes with a rotating pin clasp. Brooches used to be thought of as a luxury item, composed of the finest gems and metals. As a result, they were only affordable to the upper classes, and they came to symbolize luxury and distinction. Brooches, thankfully, are much more inclusive these days, reflecting just the wearer’s wonderful flair and taste! Is there, however, a right and wrong way to put them on? Marcasite Brooch

How to Put on a Marcasite Brooch:

We believe in being creative with jewelry in general, and brooches and pins are no exception. Scarves, hats, and the bottom point of a ‘V’ neck garment are among the many ways they can be worn. However, there is something to be said about tradition, and because brooches have such a long and fascinating history, we feel it is important to respect the “correct” way to wear one. Marcasite Brooch

On Which Side Should a Brooch Be Worn?

Marcasite Brooch

In formal circumstances, a brooch should only be worn over the left breast; to the observer, this would be a right brooch. Although the origins of this old custom are unknown, most experts assume it stems from pragmatism. Throughout the Roman era, togas were typically worn over the left shoulder. Pins can be used to check the tightness of the tying and draping since it’s better to be safe than sorry! Brooches were originally used for practical purposes, but historians think they eventually evolved into a beautiful feature. Marcasite Brooch

The history of the brooch is surrounded by several rumored backstories. Others believe the brooch is a symbol of affection, worn over the heart to express gratitude for a gift given by a lover. Aw! Unfortunately, most people agree that the brooch’s history is more practical than romantic, but the idealist in us would want to believe that there is some truth to this interpretation of the tradition. Marcasite Brooch

But why do we continue to practice this tradition in our modern, toga-free era? Brooches may not be as helpful as they once were, but they can still be beneficial when worn on the left. Consider inviting someone in. A handshake is usually done with the right hand, and the eye is drawn to the left side of the other person’s body, so where better to put your brooch? Furthermore, wearing a brooch on the left side ensures that the heavier diamonds are kept out of harm’s way when you shake hands, especially if you get a little more closely and offer a kiss on the cheek. Marcasite Brooch

What to Look for When Purchasing a Marcasite Brooch:

Marcasite Brooch

To begin with, any brooch would be an excellent addition to any jewelry collection. However, if you want to make sure you’re getting the appropriate item for you, here are some pointers: Think about your style. Antique and vintage brooches are fantastic because they have withstood the test of time. When it comes to brooches, it is far preferable to select something timeless to you than following a trend- you want the piece to stay!

Consider the color of the brooch for the rest of your jewelry and clothes. You don’t want any precious metals to clash if you plan on wearing it with your other everyday jewelry. Consider the size of the brooch you want. A big brooch is ideal if you want to make a statement. However, if you prefer not to wear a huge brooch, you may do so by wearing a smaller, more colorful one. Consider the numerous patterns; here at AC Marcasite, we have a soft spot for floral and animal brooches. So, think about what type of patterns you like: floral, ring size chart  contemporary, animal, Art Deco—there are many possibilities! Marcasite Brooch

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